Policies Disclaimers Terms and Conditions Respect for All: Hate speech, discrimination, harassment, or arguments are not allowed. We aim to foster a respectful and supportive community.

No Self-Promotion: Promoting yourself, soliciting, or advertising in chatrooms or direct messages is not allowed unless you have prior approval from the server owners.

Privacy Protection: Do not share personal information without explicit consent. We take privacy seriously.

Rule Agreement: By staying in the server, you agree to follow these rules. Equity HQ is for entertainment and informational purposes only.

We do NOT provide financial advice. There are no guarantees in gambling or trading. Please make decisions responsibly and understand the risks involved. Before making any investment, you should do your own research on the company and the terms of the offer.

Be aware of both the potential benefits and risks. Nothing on this sever, or any communication related to it, should be considered legal, financial, or tax advice.

Always consult your financial advisor before engaging in any trading or investing activities.

Only invest money you can afford to lose, as we cannot guarantee returns. We may also buy or sell shares of companies mentioned on this site at any time

Please be aware we will NEVER DM you. All business and plays are handled and distributed only in the server. Anything occurring outside the server is no longer our responsibility.